Home Disability How a national disability income benefit can improve my life — and so many others

How a national disability income benefit can improve my life — and so many others

by Sandy Carrier
This content was published more than two years ago. Some information may no longer be current.

The federal election is over. During the campaign, three political parties promised to help people with disabilities get out of poverty. The Liberal Party was one of them. They promised a national income benefit for people with disabilities. Now people like me are depending on them to follow through on that promise.

I’m one of the more than six million Canadians with a disability. More than 40 per cent of people who live below the poverty line in Canada have a disability.

Poverty makes my life challenging.  COVID-19 has made it worse. A national disability income benefit would improve my life so in many ways. It would impact my social connections, my housing and my search for work.

COVID-19 has been an isolating experience for me. These days, people reply on technology and the Internet for education, socialization and work. After paying for rent and food, I don’t have enough money to pay for home Internet. Canada has some of the highest Internet costs in the world.

Without Internet during the pandemic, I was lonely and limited in what I could do. Lockdown meant I couldn’t go see my friends. Without Internet access, I couldn’t even contact them easily. When events were offered online, I couldn’t participate. I haven’t been able to see some of my friends for close to a year.

Social connections are important for mental and physical health. Being connected to other people helps many of us get through tough times. These connections also help keep people safe in the community.

A national disability benefit could also help me find a better place to live. My choices are limited by my income. Subsidized housing in my province has long wait lists.

I have thought about moving many times. The shared laundry room, restrictions on pets and living near other people (especially during a global pandemic) are just a few of the reasons.

As much as I would like to move, with my income, I know it would be difficult. The moving costs and damage deposit are just too much.

People with a disability need a national income benefit that will raise us out of poverty and allow us to live with dignity.

Employment is complicated too. For lots of people with disabilities, we can’t rely on it as steady income.

Although many companies talk about how important diversity is in the workplace, in my experience that diversity often ends with a disability. Even if you do get hired, provincial income support programs have strict rules about how much money people with a disability can earn. Going over the limit could mean losing access to health benefits – something that is terrifying for many people with disabilities!

I’ve tried to work many times in the past. So far, I haven’t been able to find a job that supports me to be successful long-term.

A national disability benefit would help people like me improve our living conditions and be less isolated. It would have a positive impact on our health and wellness. We could afford more nutritious food. We could be part of recreation and social opportunities. It would give us time to find the right employer who values our strengths.

The promises made in this federal election are important. They are important to me. They are important to your friends, family members and neighbours who face the same barriers I do. You can help make sure our new government honours their promise to people with disabilities. Call, email or write to your local MP.  Tell them why a national disability income benefit matters to you.

Photo courtesy of the author

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