Home Disability Disability policy tests Canadian values in 2022

Disability policy tests Canadian values in 2022

by Rabia Khedr
This content was published more than two years ago. Some information may no longer be current.

It’s perplexing for us disabled people and advocates that so many media headlines point to the extreme financial struggles of people with disabilities in our inflationary economy while the powers that be continue debating details.

What details? Our Parliamentarians are busy parsing the words of the proposed federal Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) as it wends its way through third reading in the House of Commons before it must go to the Senate for ever more debate and discussion.

People with disabilities need financial relief and they need it now.  While we want the CDB to be robust — not clawed back by provincial disability programs, for example — we need it fast tracked so that essential dollars are in the pockets of people who need it today and not some distant promised future.

Poverty affects health outcomes — it’s part of what researchers call ‘the social determinants of health.’  Forty-one per cent of people living in poverty in Canada are disabled. Over 50 per cent of people who are food insecure are disabled.

Persons with disabilities in Canada are punished by poverty, in other words.  And it’s affecting their health, wellness and longevity.

Before the pandemic, persons with disabilities were almost twice as likely as persons without disabilities to report that most days are quite a bit or extremely stressful (23.4 per cent versus 11.9 per cent). Among those who reported experiencing at least a bit of stress on most days, persons with disabilities were more than 10 times as likely as persons without disabilities to report that their main source of stress was related to their health (13.8 per cent vs. 1.1 per cent).

It’s safe to say that life during the pandemic has been even tougher for people with disabilities, especially if they are living in poverty.

Several Michaels left this world using Canada’s legal right to Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). Our society sees this as a humane and visionary social policy that reflects compassion for people who have medical conditions with no real treatment options.

So many Jens raise funds online as the only way for a person with disabilities to survive legislated poverty. Our society thinks giving money to people with disabilities encourages them not to work.

So many Brandons and Abdullahs experience police violence when they are in crisis needing mental health support. Our society does not even know they exist, nor the fact that they experience racism, ableism and trauma at the hands of institutional policies on a daily basis, let alone a lifetime of poverty.

So much is wrong with our Canadian values right now and it’s reflected in disability policy; the needs of people with disabilities come down to dollars and cents.  So, let’s follow the money.

MAID is a cheaper social policy alternative than footing the bill for appropriate healthcare and extended health services that would improve quality of life.

Giving benefits with stringent requirements limiting opportunities to earn money or receive gifts is seen as responsible administration that in reality pushes people to the margins further.

Police intervention as the default option to crisis response for people with intellectual disabilities is a cost incurred, but not measured.

A recent increase of five per cent to the Ontario Disability Support Program put very little real money into the hands of people with disabilities to pay for their basic needs like hygiene products and over the counter pain medications, for example. It doesn’t even match inflation, which means they actually have less money this year than last.

Yes, the CBD is making its way through our democratic parliamentary process. All we can hope for is that our Canadian values embedded in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms prevail — and we put life, liberty and security of the person first for this critical federal disability policy.

But justice delayed is justice denied.

If we wait for legislation determining all of the details of a perfect benefit, it will be too late; too late to give another Michael, Jen, Brandon or Abdullah the basic quality of life that every able and disabled Canadian deserves.

Photo courtesy of DepositPhotos

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